Temperature is a measurement of heat expressed in degrees.Body temperature may be defined as the degree of heat maintained by the body. It is the balance between the heat produced and heat lost. 

Temperature Range:

Though the temperature vary from individual to individual, it can be classified as normal and abnormal.

Normal Temperature:

Oral Temperature-98.69 F(37C) This may vary from 97 to 99°F (36-37.2C)
Rectal Temperature -99.6° F(37.5P C) This method is most reliable.Axillary Temperature-97.6° F(36.4° C) This method is least reliable.

Abnormal Temperature 

Sub- normal- below 98. 6°F (95° to 99°F (36- 37.2° C). 
Hyper thermia is a temperature above 105° F (40.6° C). 
Hypo thermia is that the temperature falls below 95° F or 35° C. 
Fever or pyrexia is a condition, which the level of the body temperature rises uniformly above normal. 

Low pyrexia-99° F to 100° F. (37.2° to 37.8° C)
Moderate pyrexia- 100° to 103° F. (37.8 to 39.4° C)
High pyrexia- 103° F to 105°  F
Hyper pyrexia- 105° F and over: (40.6° C or over)

Stages in the Course of fever:- (Temperature curve)

Fevers usually run a typical course, as a characteristic of a particularddisease. In some disease the diagrammatic representation of the course of fever on the chart is so typical that the diagnosis is suggested of at glance. 
1. Onset or invasion of fever may be sudden as in pneumonia or Malaria or gradual as in Typhoid. 

2. Fastigium or stadium (height of fever or stage of advance) The temperature rises and reaches its maximum. It remain fairly constant for a few days. This period of high fever is called fastigium or stadium.

3. Defervescence or decline is the period of disappearance of fever. This may be gradual decline or decline by lysis.
Lysis is one in which the temperature falls step by step in a zig zag manner, little by little for 2 or 3 days or a week before
reaching normal, during which time the other symptoms also gradually disappear. eg. Typhoid.

The fever may subside suddenly or by crisis.

Crisis is one in which the temperature falls suddenly from high fever to normal or below normal with in 24 hours as in pneumonia. This may be true crisis or false crisis. 

 In true crisis the temperature comes down and stays down and there is a general improvement in other symptoms and the
patient's condition.

   In false crisis the sudden tall in temperature is not accompained by improvement n geeral condition. It may be a danger signal and not a sign of improvement. 

Here you the state of our body at different times.

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